Dr Marta Di Carlo

Senior Researcher

Marta Di Carlo is a molecular biologist that mainly studies the mechanisms and dysfunctions involved in aging and neurodegenerative diseases, with particular focus on Alzheimer’disease (AD). Marta studied Biological Sciences at the University of Palermo and, after graduation, she moved for post doc- training periods to EMBL in Heidelberg where she studied structure and evolution of 7SL small RNA . Then to SCLAVO Research Center in Siena, she studied DNA repeating sequences. In the two work experiences, she was tutored by Dr. Lulla Melli. Then, she worked in the Biozentrum in Basel inside the scientific team of Markus Noll where she cloned genes for maternal sea urchin proteins. Successively, she returned to Palermo and firstly she conducted research on sea urchin developmental biology discovering, for the first time, localized messengers in the sea urchin egg. Then, her interest moved to the comprehension of the molecular mechanisms involved in aging and neurodegenerative diseases, including AD by using interdisciplinary approaches.
The main research topics are:
• Molecular and cellular dysfunctions in neurodegeneration:
Involvement of insulin pathway in neurodegeneration; Relationship between mitochondrial dysfunctions and neurodegeneration with particular attention to mitochondrial dynamics, mitophagy and MAM organization; Use of neuronal vesicles (synaptosomes) to transport healthy mitochondria with the aim of replacing damaged ones by using transplantation technique.
• Diet and neurodegeneration:
Effects of antioxidant molecules obtained by natural sources in neurodegeneration-induced metabolic pathologies in obese mouse models. Development of functional food.
• Biomaterials for biomedical application:
Synthesis and characterization of nanogels for bioactive molecule drug delivery (particularly, insulin) as potential AD therapy by using intranasal route for administration. Biocompatibility, hemocompatibility and antibacterial tests of biomaterials to be employed in wound healing and food packaging.
Since 1999 she is involved in scientific dissemination.

- Progetto PON 10.6.6A FSE-PON SI 2017-2019 Alternanza Scuola Lavoro (ASL) “Esperienza turistica e tutela ambientale” in collaborazione con l’Istituto I.I.S.S. “P. Mattarella-D. Dolci”, Castellamare del Golfo (TP).
- Progetto Biomedicina Siciliana Traslazionale (BIOMESITRA) nell'ambito dell'Avviso 11/2017 Rafforzare l'occupabilità nel sistema R&S e la nascita di spin off di ricerca in Sicilia – P.O. FSE 2014/2020.
- Contratto di Collaborazione Scientifica con azienda Nutrigea s.r.l. (Rep. San Marino) “Utilizzo di molecole bioattive estratte dall’alga Klamath, per lo sviluppo di un approccio terapeutico per patologie metaboliche associate a quelle neurodegenerative: studio su un modello murino”.
- Contratto di Collaborazione Scientifica con azienda Nutrigea s.r.l. (Rep. San Marino) “Ruolo degli estratti di alga Klamath in patologie legate all’invecchiamento: caratterizzazione di molecole bioattive e loro effetti antiossidanti ed antiinfiammatori in un modello cellulare di AD”.
- Contratto di Collaborazione Scientifica con azienda Le Farine dei Nostri Sacchi s.r.l. “Utilizzo di biomolecole naturali per la produzione di cibi funzionali”.