Dr Flavia Marino


Flavia Marino graduated in Clinical Psychology at the University of Messina in October 2008. She received the PhD degree in 2013 in Psychological Sciences at University of Messina. From 2016 she is a PhD Researcher at the Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation – IRIB of National Research Council of Italy, Messina unit. Her research activity is focused on human-technology interaction. Her main goal is to understand how interactive technologies can be used to enhance cognitive and socio-emotional processes in individuals and groups with disabilities. She is mainly interested in the study of the cognitive processes underlying the psychological correlates that determine the emotional-relational development of individuals with neuro-disorders. In fact, during these years, her activity has been focused on the understanding of the prerequisites useful to the functional organization of the processes of Theory of Mind, with the aim of developing innovative methodologies and tools for the study and strengthening of cognitive abilities and mental health. In particular, her interest has been focused on the construction of evaluation and rehabilitative material in the clinical application that can identify the cognitive deficit areas and, at the same time, activate them through specific training. She is currently involved in observational studies and clinical trials concerning: patients with Autism, patients with Congestive Heart Failure, Neurovegetative diseases and preventive interventions for psychophysical wellbeing of elder. Since 2008 to present, she has been conducting private practice as a Psychologist and in January 2018, she holds a Certificate of Psychotherapist (ASCoC – Academy of Cognitive Behavioral Sciences of Calabria). The scientific preparation, with a strong multidisciplinary connotation, acquired in the field of clinical psychology, neuropsychology and psychology of disabilities, allowed her to carry out seminars and workshops receiving honorary fellowship in Psychology.