Dr Giacoma Galizzi


Graduated in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, CNR Researcher since 2009.
The focus of her research activity is the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases, using both animal and cellular models.

Research activity
• Investigation of the role played by mitochondria in neurodegeneration mechanisms, through the study of mitochondrial dynamics, mitophagy and the interactions between mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (MAM).
• Study of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the correlation between metabolic diseases and neurodegeneration
• Identification of potential functional food to be used in prevention and therapy of metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases
• Analysis of the effects of bioactive molecules in animal and cellular models of neurodegeneration.

Sicilian Translational Biomedicine Project (BIOMESITRA) P.O. FSE (2014/2020): "STRENGTHENING EMPLOYABILITY IN THE R&D SYSTEM AND THE BIRTH OF RESEARCH SPIN OFF IN SICILY": Biotechnologies for translational, preclinical and clinical research.