Seminario: Dott.ssa Maria Lucibello – 20 Luglio 2023

Seminario: Dott.ssa Maria Lucibello – 20 Luglio 2023

Dott.ssa Maria Lucibello

Dott.ssa Maria Lucibello



Targeting TCTP in breast cancer: an opportunity for personalized medicine

20/07/2023 – ore 14:30


The characterization of biomarkers that support a more aggressive phenotype may provide new diagnostic tools and new opportunities for cancer therapy.
Growing evidence shows that the Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP) may depict specific cancer cell subpopulations with stress adaptation, stem-like and immune-evasive properties.
Our experience suggests the potential use of TCTP in the phosphorylated form as a new prognostic and predictive biomarker in the clinical management of patient cohorts with a more aggressive breast cancer disease. TCTP is also a critical target for a therapy based on dihydroartemisinin (DHA), a drug repurposing candidate for cancer therapy. Our findings suggest that targeting TCTP could be an anti-metastatic strategy to be explored at an early stage of disease.
We propose TCTP as an actionable relevant target for combinatorial therapies that might improve patient outcomes.