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I Ricercatori IRIB CNR sviluppano App Tolepatì

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Probing Safety of Nano-Objects by Defining Immune Responses of Environmental organisms.



Scopri le attività delle sedi IRIB in Calabria

per migliorare diagnosi e intervento

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Extracellular vesicles from a natural source for tailor-made nanomaterials



Scopri le attività di ricerca ed i progetti della Sede di Messina

Ricerca sui sistemi intelligenti
per migliorare diagnosi e intervento

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Management and Section Managers IRIB CNR

Dr Andrea De Gaetano

Andrea De Gaetano is a CNR Director of Research. His work has focused on the mathematical modelling of physiological processes (mainly energy metabolism) and on different aspects of model identification.
He holds an MD and Emergency Surgery specialty, an M.Sc.(USA) and PhD (France) in Applied Math, a JD and Italian Bar license, a DHC (biostatistics, Hungary).
He is Adjunct Professor of Mathematical Statistics at Mahidol University Dept. of Mathematics, Bangkok and Distinguished Professor at Obuda University, Budapest.

Dr Mariamena Arbitrio

Dr Mariamena Arbitrio

Catanzaro's Section Manager

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery and Specialist in Clinical Pharmacology. She achieved the II level Master in "Medicine for Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Related Pathologies" and the one in "Design and conduct of clinical studies". Her scientific activity is currently focused on pharmacogenomic studies through the use of molecular profiling technologies and computational and bioinformatic analysis models for the identification of polymorphic variants of ADME genes, for the validation of predictive biomarkers of pharmacological efficacy or toxicity for personalization of the treatment.

Dr Enrico Parano

Dr Enrico Parano

Catania's Section Manager

Enrico Parano MD PhD, is a Pediatrician and Pediatric Neurologist, Senior Researcher of IRIB, CNR, Catania; he graduated at the University of Catania, Italy, in 1986. After graduation he spent ten years in New York, USA, at Columbia-Cornell University, with the position of Clinical Researcher and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, mainly working in the field of clinical and scientific researches of pediatric neuroscience.

Giovanni Pioggia

Dr Giovanni Pioggia

Messina's Section Manager

Giovanni Pioggia, Electronic Engineer with specialization in Bioengineering, PhD in Robotics, is a senior researcher of the National Research Council (CNR), Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation (IRIB), section manager of Messina secondary unit.

Dr Francesca Cavalcanti

Dr Francesca Cavalcanti

Cosenza's Section Manager

Francesca Cavalcanti graduated cum laude in Medicine and Surgery in 1988 and specialized cum laude in Neurology in 1992 at the “Federico II” University of Naples “.


Do you have any question about…. ?

The National Research Council is the largest public research structure in Italy. With the 1989 reform, the CNR ceased to be a funding agency for university research and became a Public Research Body with the mission of carrying out research projects, promoting innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, internationalization of the national research system, to provide solutions to the emerging needs of the public and private sector.

These objectives are achieved through the contribution of about 5000 researchers, technologists, technicians and administrative staff.

Research activity in the fields of biology, medicine and health is led by the Department of Biomedical Sciences (DSB). Oriented to offer technologies and services in the public and private sectors, the intent is to promote knowledge on the fundamental mechanisms that regulate the physiological and pathological aspects of living organisms, from basic research in the life sciences to the study of human diseases and interventions innovative therapeutics, with the ultimate aim of discovering new opportunities to improve human health. The main activities concern oncology, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, immunology and infectious diseases, molecular medicine, epidemiology and health care research, biology and biotechnology. In these areas, technologies have been developed that have found wide use in the various reference sectors: proteomics, pharmacogenomics, advanced computing in the bioinformatics and system biology fields, robotic systems for limb rehabilitation, molecular and imaging diagnostics.

IRIB is the only biomedical institute of the CNR based in Sicily and collects the majority of the biomedical activities of the CNR in Sicily and Calabria. The goal is to be the reference for the players who, in these areas, operate in the biomedical field, with the aim of promoting both diagnostic and therapeutic innovations.

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche